This quiz, was definitely one of the more unexpected I've ever taken, instead of a simple multiple choice assignment, we were directed to take 15 pictures using shot techniques that we had learn before as to convey a simple story with no words or sounds. My story was about a mechanical pencil and a notebook facing hardship.
Me and my partner chose simple objects and even a simple story, a pencil falls and a notebook is terrified because of it. It took me a second to realize our biggest mistake after we brain stormed the concept, it was boring, the last thing you would want to realize as a story teller! To spice it up a bit we decided to constantly draw a face on the notebook's left page while still leaving the pencil emotionless, adding a layer of absurdity and comedy which I think works given how simple the story is. We wanted to finish the quiz in school to add to the whole school supplies idea but were unable to finish in time leaving me to tie up the loose ends at home.
While I like our concept I wish we had come up with something a bit more creative. I like the concept of something simple being carried out to something dumb but there is a wide variety of things you can do with two objects and I think we could have taken it further. I enjoyed a lot of our concepts for shots, like a POV shot of a pen were you can slightly see the pen's clip or a Dutch Angle of a notebook with a scared expression, really what I mostly wished we had done was try to bring some of the higher effort shots in a more believable way, I definitely think most of our Low and High Angle shots weren't convincing enough. I enjoyed our final result, I mostly wish we knew how to use a camera better.
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