I was at first slightly frightened by the concept of the project, working entirely with sounds is something i've only ever done when trying to match it with footage, i've done plenty of Foley projects for school, but as we kept working and getting more organized the project just kinda made itself in front of me. That's something I have to give Veronica so much credit for, organization. I mean yes, it was already a grade for us to write all of our sounds in a doc but Veronica had the idea to label which sounds we already had, which we could make, which we could download with a link of the sound next to it, which made editing so much less stressful. We decided to split the project half and half. One of the matters we had to sort out was who was going to edit this? I've learnt from past experience it is never fun giving someone a half finished editing file and telling them to do the rest or being the one told to do the rest since you have to spend so much time worrying about matching the same tone of whats been done for you. To fix this we decided that I would edit the project and Veronica would download everything and put it on a folder which was a god send of a decision. The task of editing can be divided into two parts, 1 downloading all the clips together and naming them and 2 actually editing. Both of these tasks take time so organizing for both of the team mates in a project to do each long part worked out perfectly.
Once again This was edited in Premiere Pro, a software that wasn't made for editing sound files but still does a very good job at doing so, providing you with many audio effects and transitions. The pitch shifters and muffle effects were both very helpful at conveying the position and the amount of sound made by the things around you. I do sort of wish we had put more original and unique sounds just to spice up some of the more quiet and repetitive times but overall I did like if I was really leaving school from just the sounds alone.
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