Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Music Marketing #2

   One of the biggest problems we faced before we started filming our music video was an obstacle that nearly ended our video all together. Our original plan was to film in Alejandro's friend's garage where they usually do their recording for their band, we even had it planned out in the story board to have three band members and to have flashing lights (something which said Garage had). However, before we could start filming we were told that the band member who's house we were planing to film in was grounded for the rest of the week, the only one we had to film. 
    We immediately had to re-organize and find another place to film, I recommended my house since my garage has a warehouse-y/shed look that could really help expand on Richard Spice, our fictional singer, being poor and down on his luck. The next big problem was finding a date to film in, after a lot of back and forth we chose Friday, right after school, however one of our group members Simon was unable to come for reasons I am not aware of. We did still have enough people to film the whole music video with and even if we did have Simon I don't know what he would have really been able to add. 
    On the Thursday before we filmed my birthday happened, and my dad got me what I hoped for, a camera. A Canon EOS R100, to be specific. This is an extremely useful thing to have if you are able to use it to it's full potential, that was also part of the problem, we weren't capable of using it to it's full potential, mostly out of a lack of experience for most of us except for me, I've used cameras dozens of times, I just never got good at using them. After a long few hours of filming we eventually got enough footage for the video which resulted in me having the long and grueling task of editing those dozens of clips together into a music video. I'm mostly joking when I say it was long and grueling, it only took me about 5 or so hours all together but with constant issues with premiere, our footage not coming out how I expected, and so many other small issues, the project wound up feeling like it took ages. We did eventually finish and after finishing the powerpoint along side Nina and Alejandro, who both really put in a lot of effort into the finer touches such as the pretty amazing website they made for Richard Spice and multiple social media accounts, we were finally done and ready to submit.
    Below is a short BTS video to give a better Idea of what we were working with.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing

    The marketing part of our project was one of the trickier parts to accomplish. We mainly tried to think back to how we charted out the marketing for our four other R&B stars to inspire this. The one part that was arguably the most influential in the entire branding for our artist was just the tone and mood of the one song we are working with. The song song is very calm and smooth, it has a similar feel to a jazz club, quiet music with an alluring singer.
   This also helped to build the merchandise. The most obvious piece of physical media to sell is vinyl records, something that anyone with an artsy side to them would be exited to buy. Vinyls inherently made a lot more sense than cd's or cassettes, something that we would probably also sell but that we wouldn't be as quick to make and distribute since that would appeal to audiences looking for different aesthetics. These other forms of physical music would probably not get their own special edition versions sold at concerts.
    I was personally not as involved in the marketing of the project, that was mostly Alejandro and Nina while I worked in the storyboard. They came up with a backstory for our singer who they ended up naming Richard Spice. He's a young man who's parents are from Canada and who doesn't have a great relationship with them. He has ever since devolved into R&B, making soulful music that is full of passion. His logo, a maple leaf, both shows his Canadian heritage and his general aesthetic, full of oranges and an autumn-y tone.