Thursday, January 30, 2025

Portfolio Project 1 the transition

    #1 The Transition

    The next big project I'll be working on for media studies is the portfolio project, following us working on the music marketing project. The basic idea is that we gotta make a 2 minute film opening. The first thing that I thought of when I heard the project's concept was "I wanna make an evil film" that idea is all that ran through my head, and it took me a while to fully understand what I meant by that. Thats exactly what I pitched to my group, which they seemed to agree on. Both of my group members worked with me on the music marketing project, we agreed to work together on this one way back then since we worked together well.  One of my group members, Alejandro got approval to use copyrighted music from the artist Elliot Fullam:

This is obviously very exciting but I worry that we won't be able to get a good opportunity to use any of it since of the film's somber tone. It's worth mentioning we aren't married to an idea yet, mostly a tone and mood. The other person in my group is Nina, who has been struggling with the project since she missed a day of class when we were told A LOT about the project, hell Stoklosa literally said "this is a bad class to miss" so that was real nice to hear after I realized 1/3 of my team was missing.
    The basic version of the story we have so far is, a drug addicted loser has to deal with his friend trying to comfort him after a bad break up while he pretends as if he doesn't care, all the while he is being bombarded by his loud yet tiny dog who doesn't stop barking. One of my biggest concerns is scheduling our filming date and actors in the video not showing up, we had a similar issue in the music marketing project were the band we wanted to get to film with us  just didn't show up. I think we can avoid this by just acting ourselves off the bat. Another idea I had was to make a list of potential actors ranked from best for us to work with to worst and the second that the person in the top of the list says "sorry, can't help" we immediately move on to the next. 

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