#11 Character
Now I think I've made it pretty obvious that the main character I'm writing is a junkie, however me and my team have been making certain changes lately and changing the plot to better fit our vision, we have made a lot of changes to the script, here is an update.
The version of the main character, who is named Ollie, is a recovering Junkie who's girlfriend left him as he wasn't able to quit for her, now he has been avoiding his NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings as he slowly rots in his house. He can't stand up for himself, he is horrified of making lasting connections, and he can't take anything too seriously. I think so far I've made it pretty obvious that Breaking Bad, my favorite show, is a huge inspiration for this opening, and the character of Ollie is majorly inspired by Jesse Pinkman. Now Pinkman is not identical to Ollie, however we are mostly basing it off the many scenes of him struggling with drug abuse, I won't go too deep into spoilers but there are many scenes were visually he looks like a moving corpse with no emotion and is unable to connect to people in a deep level, that's mostly what we are going for here.
The friend character, Chris, shows up to as Ollie about him missing on his NA meeting and try to bring him back into reality from this nasty bubble he has put himself in. Chris tries to be nice about Ollie's problem but ends up having to yell at him to see how miserable his life is after Ollie refuses to collaborate, he wants to see his friend get his life back but knows that he doesn't see it that, and wants to force him to change. Chris isn't directly inspired by anyone, he is just meant to play a guardian angel like role except from afar, keeping an eye on Ollie and trying to push him to be better.
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