Saturday, March 8, 2025

Portfolio Project 17 Editing Plan

 #17 Editing Plan

    The most common thing I ever say while filming a project and my team mates don't think it's looking good is:" don't worry, it'll come together in editing". Storyboards, scripts, and shot plans are very very helpful but I am a very amateur film maker, and I over shoot how much I can actually do while filming all the time. Sometimes some shots just don't work out, my last blog was about working with my dog and I didn't mention how we had to scrap a wide shot of the dog barking at the door since we couldn't figure out a way to make him face it, wound up having to replace it. We faced a similar issue trying to get those low angels of the dog, however those will be salvaged in editing, we will use cut aways to the dog as if he were intruding Ollie's mind while he lays on his bed. An obvious example of this being in Empire season 1 episode 1, we just recently had to watch and excerpt for this in media studies and me an my team used this scene of the hospital as our example.


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