#19 Consumer Goods
We needed a lot of props for this and had like 3 before hand. These props included: A couple of mirrors, a radio, a clock, broken glass, a picture frame, fast food bags and cups, and a dog, of those we had a single mirror, a clock, and a dog. Alejandro picked us up and drove us over to the dollar store, they didn't really have a lot that we wanted, we got these two tiny circle mirrors and they work fine, there's a metal bit sticking out of them and we're probably gonna have to rip them off plus they are very small but with good stage directing that won't be a problem. Alejandro also had the GENIUS idea of using those hard plastic bowls for the broken glass, chiseling them to give them that sandy glass look. Overall we walked out of the dollar store with 2 mirrors, one plastic bowl, and two things of beef jerky because we were hungry, boy I wonder how we're gonna handle that issue!!!
We were actually gonna just get a bunch of bags from Macdonalds but we realized we should get things like those burger wrappers and fries holders and such, plus we were hungry sooo.... I paid for everything. The bags didn't show up a lot in the video but im still glad we got it.
Last we needed a radio/clock, we merged the two by buying an alarm clock radio. We went to Goodwill and found the perfect one immediately, it was greasy, very greasy, Alejandro had to wash his hands to get whatever was in it. We originally wanted to get a radio and analog clock but there weren't any good ones and we wanted to cut bluff for time and I'd say it worked out in the end.
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