#13 Mise-En-Scene For Set Design
I don't know how many times through out all these blogs I'm going to repeat this but the main character, Ollie, is a junkie who's whole house is a mess. He has lost all care for himself or for cleanliness so his room is a disgusting mess. There is clothing piled everywhere, fast food bags and drinks lined up, random wet spots, crumpled up tissues, broken glass, and spots with residue of cocaine. His mattress covers are grey not only showing a lack of color in his life, but also that he doesn't have anything exciting in his life, to the point that his mattress covers are a median grey, not leaning either way of black nor white, however his bed sheets are white in reference to the white powder that is controlling his life. Other than that his bed is going to be wet from sweat and full of crumbs and imperfections. Once again bringing the Breaking Bad inspiration, this set of the aftermath of a giant rave is partly what we are going for:
The outside of his room is going to eerily empty, like you couldn't guess someone lived in that house if you didn't see his bedroom. The front doors obviously lead to the outside of his home, something that he has been avoiding and ignoring despite going outside being healthy, so they are both white, giving them an angelic feel.
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