Sunday, February 23, 2025

Portfolio Project 14 Mise-En-Scene Lighting

#14 Mise-En-Scene Lighting 

    The very opening takes place in Ollie's bedroom as he stares into his lights that give his whole room a tint of yellow, they are almost like fluorescent lights that you would see in an office, these yellow lights are not only repetitive, they make you feel as if you are going insane, casting your world in this color that feels unnatural to anywhere you have ever been on, yellow lighting doesn't give of the warm feeling that red light does and it doesn't give the cool feeling that blue light does, if anything when combined with the rest of the setting the yellow lights feel disgusting like if he whole room has been infested by mold. Yellow is a color that usually represents happiness or joy, however the visuals being displayed are contradicting this idea, and that plays into the point of the story, Ollie has surrounded himself with fake joys such as cocaine or being ignorant of the people around him, and this reflects that. Ollie is also a recovering coke addict, a common sign of being addicted to coke is having yellow eyes and while Ollie is having withdrawals and is struggling to stay off coke, his eyes would be fairly white, however the light acts as a reminder, almost as if his addiction is a part of who he is. The room would have heavy shadows making it feel as if we witnessing a scary and dangerous location.

    After he steps out his whole house has a light blue tint, nothing crazy but it shows how cold the world around him is. When his friend, Chris appears the tint vanishes as if he was showing him a slice of the real world.

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