Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Portfolio Project 15 Location And Set

 #15 Location And Set

    I notice that I've filmed a lot of things in my house, makes sense it's shaped kinda strangely, it has a garage that kinda looks like a shed, and there's usually not a lot of people in the house. For the opening we did eventually decide to use my house again, like we did in the music marketing project, but there's a few problems. For one the front door that is going to take up a lot of space is placed at an inconvenient angle that is going to be hard to film it in the way we want it to look. The door is also right in front of the living room so seeing a nice couch and big TV is really gonna worsen the idea that this character is some junkie. My room is also a problem since I have all these posters and pictures on the wall, of course those can come down but they are a slight inconvenience to me personally. However the biggest issue with my room is the massive window that looms over my bed. No blinds meaning we're going to have to scrap a shot we really wanted to do, and the curtains are bright yellow with cool geometric shapes.

This just doesn't work for what we're going for, this character is a junkie who's life is dark and gritty. This window barely works for my own personal living, let alone a movie!

    However a stroke of genius stroke me and I had an idea on how to film this, we can film at my old house, it's been a year since I moved but it still hasn't been sold and it's entirely empty. We can get a mattress and a little coffee table and if anything that could work better for showing how far gone this guy is. Plus the front door is below a staircase, way less appealing and the doors are placed in a more convenient spot for filming. I'm not sure if we're gonna use this other house, my biggest fear is that we show up to film and a realtor is there giving a tour to a family, plus other than the poster and the window I do think my bedroom works for what we are showing. At the end of the day it's nice having more options and we'll probably use a mix of both houses. 

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