Sunday, February 9, 2025

Portfolio Project 6 It's A Setup!

#6 It's A Setup!

    I am not an expert on film history, but I know that you must have left an influence if every middle schooler with a growing interest in film copies your style when making a film opening. Tarantino has made some of the most iconic film openings in history. Whether it's hitmen talking about Madonna or a father being broken down to tears by a terrifying Nazi, he knows how to interest an audience, but nothing can ever beat the most iconic, Pulp Fiction.
    As of recent I've been obsessed with the youtube essays of Lancelloti, in particular his essay on what makes Pulp Fiction's opening so iconic, listed here. One thing he talks about in the video is how the two main characters, Vince and Jules are set up and characterized. He talks about how most directors would start with them busting the door down and killing the people who have what they want but Tarantino did the opposite of that, showing the characters as relatable day to day people who have work gossip, and complaints about their job. I wanna characterize my main character immediately, so I think before you see him snorting cocaine and being annoying about his ex you should see him as a loser. Now I still am working out every detail and I'm gonna work with my team on this but what I want is for the audience to see themselves in him, I think that is something I was missing with my early idea, so just to spitball ideas maybe it can start with him being annoyed at waking up way too late, a clear sign of irresponsibility but also something that the audience can relate to as it's a common mistake you can make, obviously not meaning that the audience are all losers but still giving a hint at what kind of character this guy is.

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