Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Portfolio Project 7 The First Group Meeting

#7 The First Group Meeting

    This group meeting was pretty eye opening since it feels like I'm sharing my idea beyond the pretty closed group of people who had time to process everything I threw at them and think about it. Here are all of the points we made:
And for closer detail, here is mine:

I also took my own notes on what me and my team should improve on:
    My biggest fear so far is that movie doesn't feel like if it is going anywhere after this opening however Alejandro has given us a big idea, what if the main character owed someone money or was a drug dealer who was being targeted by some sort of gang. Another idea I had was him trying to get over or together with his ex again. The big problem is that I don't know how I'd show this very well, for the first idea maybe his phone could be full of messages asking for drugs or for money but for the second one I don't really know.

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