#8 Film Theory
I like being critical of the media I consume, I don't write a review or massive three page essay on every movie I watch, but to some extent I like knowing that there is a reason why I like the art I like, and with that said I have come to realize that there are a lot of ways to judge art's quality. Media theories fascinate me since their focus is less on weighing if a movie has good cinematography or if its funny or what not but how it relates to society as a whole and how it effects the viewer. Theres a great video series by youtuber Lindsay Ellis where she discusses media theory in the Michael Bay Transformers movies because of how notably terrible they are, I'll link it
here. I want to use Semantic Code, using signs or symbols that represent more than their literal self. In the Great Gatsby the glowing green light over the lake in Gatsby's backyard represents his longing for what's on the other side, which I won't say in the 1% chance you haven't read the Great Gatsby, but it also represents Gatsby being enticed and obsessed with it as it blinks
Gatsby knows that everything he wants is right in front of him and that its just calling him, being clear and bright as day, but he can't get to it as there is a lake covering his way there.
In my opening I want to use the dog in a similar way, he will represent the main character being unable to do anything about his life that is only getting worse because of his own doing. His tiny little dog barks at him loudly and doesn't stop no matter what, all through out he sits there and doesn't do anything about this problem, acting like if it doesn't exist, but at his lowest point he finally snaps and yells at the dog, which does nothing and he cries and cries but doesn't bother to do anything. The dog being small shows his lack of power, a weak creature having this kind of control on him shows him as being weak and unable as he gets overpowered by this tiny little dog. The fact that dog barks loudly represents that he has issues that he is working through and can't seem to control.
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